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ISSN (0):2395-2822; ISSN (P):2895-2814 

Study of ABO Blood Groups and Subgroups Aj, Az, AiB 
and A2B in Blood Donors and Recipients 

Ninder Kumar’, Neeraj Sharma’, Amarjit Singh? 

1Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Patiala. 
Professor, Department of Blood Transfusion, Government Medical College, Amritsar. 
3Professor, Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Amritsar. 

Received: April 2019 
Accepted: May 2019 

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher. It is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative 
Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and 
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


Background: Blood transfusion in modern era is possible only due to the knowledge of exact blood groups and sub blood 
groups. Over 700 erythrocyte antigens have been reported and are organized into 35 blood group systems by International 
Society of Blood Transfusion. These antigens may be proteins, glycoproteins or glycolipids and are controlled by single or 
more gene locus. Some antigens are specific to red cells; whereas, others are found on other cells throughout the body. 
The ABO blood group was the first human blood group to be discovered by Landsteiner in 1900 and it served the beginning 
of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. Numerous mutations are found in A, B and O genes, but the most common 
mutation is A2. The A2 gene has two nucleotides different from the A1 gene which results in diminished enzymatic activity 
and consequently, weakened antigen expression. Distinction between A1 & A2 made by testing red cells with the lectin 
from Dolichos biflorus. Prospective study on 2000 cases to find the frequency of ABO and sub blood groups to reduce the 
blood transfusion related reactions. Methods: The present study included 2000 blood sample collected in the Department 
of Blood Banking, Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Amritsar and in voluntary blood donation camps organized by the 
department. 4 ml of venous blood sample collected. 2ml of blood put into ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) vial 
and remaining 2ml transferred to test tube and allowed to clot. The EDTA sample used for forward grouping and serum 
used for reverse grouping. Results: In our study the frequency of blood group B was the highest 37.8%, blood group O 
was 31.8%, blood group A was 21.2% and group AB was the least common with 9.2%age. In case of sub groups, A1 was 
20.10% (highest in sub groups) and A2B was 0.85% (Lowest). The Rh +ve blood group was 94.1% and Rh -ve was 5.9%. 
Conclusion: The study is concluded with the suggestion that, as already being carried out, ABO, Rh blood grouping and 
sub grouping should be done in each and every case to reduce the blood transfusion related complications. More work 
should be carried out in different parts of state to know the distribution pattern of ABO, Rh blood groups and sub groups. 
This will also help the Blood Banks to estimate the requirement of different blood groups and sub groups. 

Keywords: Blood Group, Blood Transfusion. 


Blood transfusion in modern era is possible only due 
to the knowledge of exact blood groups and sub 
blood groups. Over 700 erythrocyte antigens have 
been reported and are organized into 35 blood group 
systems by International Society of Blood 
Transfusion." These antigens may be proteins, 
glycoproteins or glycolipids and are controlled by 
single or more gene locus. Some antigens are 
specific to red cells; whereas, others are found on 
other cells throughout the body.! The ABO blood 
group was the first human blood group to be 
discovered by Landsteiner in 1900 and it served the 

Name & Address of Corresponding Author 
Dr Ninder Kumar 
Assistant Professor, 

Department of Pathology, 
Government Medical College, 

beginning of Blood Banking and Transfusion 
Medicine. In 1902 Decasterllo and Struli discovered 
the fourth type AB."! The expression of ABO 
antigen is controlled by three separate genetic loci. 
Numerous mutations are found in A, B and O genes, 
but the most common mutation is A2. The A2 gene 
has two nucleotides different from the Al gene 
which results in diminished enzymatic activity and 
consequently, weakened antigen expression." 
Distinction between Al & A2 made by testing red 
cells with the lectin from Dolichos biflorus."! The 
incidence of ABO groups varies very markedly in 
different parts of the world and in different races."! 
Anti-A and anti-B are usually detectable within 3 to 
6 months after birth." At the age of 5 years, the 
titers of anti-A and anti-B antibodies reach 
maximum and persist throughout adulthood. The 
titers of IgM anti-A and anti-B antibodies may 
gradually decline with advanced age.!!!) ABO 
antibodies are a cause of hemolytic transfusion 

Cnnals of Inteunaticonal Medical and Dental Research, Val (5), Josue (4) 

Page 5 


reactions, hemolytic disease of the newborn and 
acute rejection in solid organ transplantation.”! 

The present study was taken up with the following 
aims and objectives: 

present on RBCs with commercial anti A and anti 
B antisera respectively. 
Serum Grouping: 

. Reverse/Indirect or proof grouping is based on an 
agglutination reaction between naturally occurring 
anti A and anti B antibodies in serum/plasma with 

1. To find frequency of ABO blood group system in reagent A or B red cells respectively. 
the region. . Blood group A is further divided into Al and A2 
2. To find out the frequency of sub groups Al A2 based on reaction with anti Al lectin (Dolichos 
AJB and A2B in the region. biflorus). Based on this the ABO blood group 
3. To find out the frequency of Rh positive and Rh system can be divided into six subtypes Al, A2, B, 
negative in the region. A1B, A2B and O. 
4. To reduce the incidence of transfusion related 


. Forward/Direct 

reactions by providing appropriate blood group to 


The present study included 2000 blood sample 
collected in the Department of Blood Banking, Govt. 


In our study the frequency of blood group B was the 
highest and group AB was the least common as 
shown in [Table 1]. 

Table 1: Showing distribution of ABO blood groups 

Medical College and Hospital, Amritsar and in Blood No. of cases %o age 
voluntary blood donation camps organized by the Group 

A 424 21.2% 
department. 4 ml of venous blood sample collected. AB 184 9.2% 
2ml of blood put into ethylene diamine tetra acetic B 7156 37.8% 
acid (EDTA) vial and remaining 2ml transferred to O 636 31.8% 
test tube and allowed to clot. The EDTA sample Total 2000 100% 

used for forward grouping and serum used for 
reverse grouping. 

Principles of Blood Grouping: 

Cell grouping: 

grouping is based on an 
agglutination reaction between A and B antigens 

The above samples in addition to ABO and Rh were 
also screened for sub groups of A and AB i.e. Al, 
A2, A1B and A2B including their Rh blood group 
typing. The final analysis of the cases shows the 
frequencies as given in [Table 2]. 

Table 2: Showing Distribution of ABO Blood group, sub groups and Rh typing 




Blood Group & | Total no. of Percentage Rh +ve Rh-ve 

Sub Blood cases 


Ai 402 20.10% 375 18.75% 27 1.35% 
Ao 22 1.10% 21 1.05% 01 0.05% 
A.B 167 8.35% 161 8.05% 06 0.30% 
A.B 17 0.85% 16 0.80% 01 0.05% 
B 756 37.80% 709 35.45% 47 2.35% 
O 636 31.80% 600 30.00% 36 1.80% 
Total 2000 100% 1882 94.10% 118 5.90% 

blood group A2B —ve was least common ABO —ve 
blood group [Table 2]. 

a ™Rh+ve 
300 ™Rh-ve 
A,B A,B 
0.85% 8.35% 200 
Figure 1: Showing distribution of ABO Sub groups. 100 | 
oO = —— - : 
Al A2 A1B A2B B ie) 

Blood group B+ve was the commonest and A2B+ve 
was the most uncommon among the ABO +ve blood 
group. Blood group B —ve was commonest and sub 

No. of cases 

Figure 2: Showing ABO sub groups and Rh 

Canals of Inteumational Medical and Dental Research, Vat (5), Josue (4) Page 6 


The greatest challenge to the practice of safe blood 
transfusion is by the transfusion — related 
complications. A systematic plan of action is needed 
to minimize these complications by proper 
identification of blood groups and sub blood groups. 
Moreover the distribution of ABO, Rh and sub blood 
groups varies markedly in the different parts of the 
world and so is in India which is very vast and 
inhabited by different races and ethnic groups. The 
quantitative information available regarding 
distribution of blood groups in different Indian 
regions is sufficient but the information regarding 
prevalence of Al, A2, AIB and A2B sub groups, is 
however less in different races and regions. The 
present study was therefore undertaken and the 
frequency of blood group B was found to be highest 
with 37.8% while AB was lowest with 9.2%. In case 
of sub groups, Al was 20.10% (highest amongst sub 
groups) and A2B was 0.85% (Lowest). The Rh +ve 
blood group was 94.1% and Rh —-ve_ was 
5.9%.[Table 2] 

Similarly various studies conducted by different 
authors show blood group B predominance. Sidhu S 
(2003),!°! Pande P and Singh M (2004),!'*! Devi OR 
and Gangadhar M_ (2006),"71 Subhashini AB 
(2007),"*! Various studies from Pakistan also shown 
similar trend Hameed A et al (2002),"7! Anees M 
and Mirza M (2005),""3! Khattak I et al (2008).""4! 

In contrast however, some studies from different 
regions of India show that the blood group O is most 
prevalent which is followed by group B whereas AB 
found to be least common. Dass PK et al (2001), 
Prabhakar S et al (2005),?"! Latoo JA et al (2006),!!°! 
Periyavan S et al (2010),'°?! All these studies are in 
contrast with present study which shows the group B 
predominance. So it was noted that the ABO blood 
group distribution was different in different regions 
of India. In present study Rh +ve was 94.1% and 
Rh-ve in 5.9% cases whereas different studies from 
different regions of India show Rh+ve predominance 
over Rh-ve.(Gauniyal M),! (Meitei S. and 
Kshatriya G),”°! Different studies reported sub blood 
groups Al, A2, A1B, A2B, B, O and Rh blood 
group and sub group distribution from different 
regions of India are as shown in [Table 3]. 

Table 3: Showing comparative Al, A2, A1B and A2B and Rh studies in India 

Author A % AB % B% O% Rh % 

and Region of study 

with year Al A2 AIB A2B +ve —ve 
Mukhopadhyay R. and 22.5 0.83 11.67 0.83 40.0 24.17 92.5, 7.5 
Kshatriya G.”> (HP)* 26.17 0.93 16.82 0.93 37.39 17.76 95.33 4.67 

Gauniyal M* (U)* 2006 | 40.69 1.13 11.86 0.57 22.03 23.72 67.24 32.76 
Pattanayak P*(U)* 2006 | 38.54 0.98 10.24 0.48 25.85 23.91 77.00 23.00 
Meitei S. and Kshatriya | 16.5 1.0 4.9 00 22.3 55.33 99.03 0.97 
G* (DNH)* 2009 16.5 2.91 5.83 00 34.95 39.81 100 00 
Giriyan S, Agrawal A?’ | 25.91 0.30 7.34 0.85 - - - - 
(K)* 2017 

Present study (P)* 20.1 ll 8.35 0.85 37.8 31.8 94.1 5.9 

*HP- Himachal Pradesh, U- Uttaranchal, DNH- Dadra and Nagar Haveli, P- Punjab, K- Karnatka 

Mukhopadhyay R. and Kshatriya G. studied the 
distribution of blood groups among Brahmins and 
Rajputs of Himachal Pradesh and found that blood 
group B was highest while among sub groups Al 
was most common whereas A2 and A2B was least 
common.”3! Another study conducted in North 
Karnatka by Giriyan S. and Agrawal A.27! shows 
predominance of Al and A2 least common and 
present study shows almost similar results with Al 

Pattanayak I. concluded in distribution of Al, A2, 
B,O and Rh among the Rajputs of Uttaranchal that 
blood group A was most prevalent followed by 
group B which is in contrast to present study 
however subgroups distribution Al was highest 
while sub group A2B was the rarest.'*4! Gauniyal M. 
in study of blood group Al, A2, B,O and Rh among 
Brahmins of Mussoorie Uttaranchal found that blood 
group A was most common among sub group Al 
was the highest with 40.69% and A2B was lowest 
with 0.57%.°!_ Sub groups findings _ well 
concordance with present study. 

Meitei et al studied that distribution of Al, A2, B,O 
and Rh among the rajputs and Warlis, Dadra and 
Nagar Haveli, in Rajputs and Warlis sub group Al 
was 16.5% while no case related to A2B was 
found. The Group O was the highest in both the 
populations.”°! All these findings are in contrast to 
present study. 

In the light of above facts it is suggested that there is 
significant difference in the distribution of ABO 
blood groups and sub groups in the different regions 
of our country. As a whole Blood group O is most 
prevalent followed by group B, However in north 
India (Punjab) group B is more common followed by 
group O. In all the study groups, sub group Al was 
found to be most common and A2B was the least 


The study is concluded with the suggestion that, as 
already being carried out, ABO, Rh blood grouping 
and sub grouping should be done in each and every 

Annals of Intemational Medicat and Dental Research, Val (5), Josue (4) 










case to reduce the blood transfusion related 
complications. More work should be carried out in 
different parts of state to know the distribution 
pattern of ABO, Rh blood groups and sub groups. 
This will also help the Blood Banks to estimate the 
requirement of different blood groups and sub 


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How to cite this article: Kumar N, Sharma N, Singh A. 
Study of ABO Blood Groups and Subgroups A1, A2, A1B 
and A2B in Blood Donors and Recipients. Ann. Int. Med. 

Den. Res. 2019; 5(4):PTO5-PT08. 

Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared 
